How Important are Nonprofits to our Economy, Government and Community?
We know from our interview in January 2021 with Jacob Harold and Anna Koob of Candid that from their extensive study they estimated that over 4 thousand nonprofits in California could go out of business from the impact of the Covid-19 pandemic. This conversation led us to wonder want the status and health of nonprofits were in California and in turn our interview in May 2021 with Lucy Salcido - Carter and Christina Dragonetti with CalNonprofits to share with us their work to support nonprofits.
Given all of the federal and state funding flowing through the State of California Legislature and Governor’s offices, we wanted to check back in with Lucy Salcido - Carter to update us on all of their public policy work to assure that our nonprofits secure funding and resources to enable them to both stabilize and recover stronger as we come out of the pandemic economy.
In our latest Voices of the Community interview with Lucy Salcido Carter she shares with us how CalNonprofits has been pushing for relief for the nonprofit sector and contract flexibility so that the nonprofits could be as responsive as possible to our communities while they were dealing with the pandemic.